Twin Cities Pride
The Twin Cities Pride Parade and Festival occurs every year in June, and celebrates the LGBTQ community at the largest FREE Pride festival in the nation. The festival originated in 1972 as a protest march down Nicollet Ave. Thinking that the protestors would be arrested, half of the group waited in Loring park to eventually bail the others out of jail. To their surprise, they were actually not arrested so they decided to have a beautiful picnic in the park in celebration. The tradition continued, and evolved into one of the biggest summer festivals in Minneapolis. Hear more from Dot Belstler, Executive Director of Twin Cities Pride, in our Minneapolis Insider podcast!
Pride weekend kicks off with the Pride Beer Dabbler in Loring Park. Samples from 50 Minnesota breweries, live music, a silent disco and a beautiful evening in the park make this event like no other. Fuel up at some of our favorite spots in the area the next morning, and then head to the Pride festival for all sorts of entertainment! They have six different zones each including a variety of activities such as the beer garden, fireworks, sports field and food courts. Be sure to get to the parade Sunday morning on the last day of the festival.
There are plenty of Pride events happening all weekend as well!
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