Minnesota State Fair
Each year summer ends with one of the largest regional celebrations and excuses to postpone fall diets or back to school responsibilities. The Minnesota State Fair, or “Great Minnesota Get-Together,” is one of the most looked forward to event in the state and occurs during the last week of August through Labor day.
Since its inauguration in 1859, the Minnesota State Fair has become one of the most popular tourist destinations in Minnesota. Bringing in more than 1.9 million people during last year’s festivities alone, the 320-acre fairground fills with exciting attractions for the entire family! Live music, interactive displays, rides, shows, contests, auctions and much more are influenced by local culture to help ensure the ultimate Midwest experience!
For folks who want the fun to continue late into the evening, the Grandstand lineup includes key-performing artists from around the country. Performance in years past included Carrie Underwood, Jim Gaffigan, Demi Lovato, Toby Keith, Journey, and Lynard Skynyrd. Tickets into the Grandstand are separate from any entrance fees so be sure to purchase your concert tickets as well!
And of course, we can’t forget about the food. Local favorites like Martha’s Cookies will be there alongside a list of fried, sweet and tasty new vendors. Deep fried avocado? Dill pickle beer? You can find these unique bites and more only at the Minnesota State Fair.
Visit the Minnesota State Fair website to find more information on parking, transportation and other fair activities.
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