Cleaning Protocols
Our facilities crew is professionally trained and prepared to continuously keep the MCC clean and disinfected before, during, and after your event.
Cleaning & Disinfecting
The MCC is an accredited GBAC STAR™ facility and has implemented the most stringent protocols for cleaning, disinfection and infectious disease prevention. The MCC has increased the frequency of cleaning and disinfecting with EPA-approved disinfectants in all public and private spaces with an emphasis on high touchpoint areas and has incorporated new technology such as Electrostatic Disinfecting Machines.
The majority of all meeting rooms are equipped with Needlepoint Bipolar Ionization which works by safely introducing ions into the airflow, combining with particles in the air such as viruses, bacteria, odors, and other airborne particles, and then eliminating or neutralizing them. Other meeting room spaces utilize hospital-grade MERV 13 filters. All of our spaces are flushed with outside air before and after use. Engineers monitor all occupied spaces and maximize the use of outside air.