'MADE HERE' launches on Block E this Friday
Karen R. Nelson,
Communications Director,
Hennepin Theatre Trust
MADE HERE launches on Block E, Hennepin Avenue, Friday, Sept. 27, 6:30 p.m.
Made Here, a new initiative featuring the work Minnesota visual artists and arts organizations in 40 vacant Block E storefront windows, launches with a free public event celebrating the artists. Television camera crews, radio and print still photographers are invited to interview participants and film.
Made Here walking tours of the illuminated visual art displays and live music on Hennepin Avenue between 6th and 7th streets will be hosted by Hennepin Theatre Trust to highlight local art and leasable space as part of the new Hennepin Cultural District plan to revitalize Hennepin Avenue.
Interviews with the Artists, Artist Coordinator Joan Vorderbruggen and Hennepin Theatre Trust President/CEO Tom Hoch are available.
Visual Artists are: Ta-coumba Aiken, Rachel Breen, Jaime Carrera, Tim Carroll, Gina Dabrowski, Jim Denomie, Aaron Dysart, Erik Farseth, Pamela and Frank Gaard, Camille Gage, Patti Gale, Mary Gibney, Kara Faye Gregory, Noah Harmon, Brian Hart, Hennepin History Museum, Ann Klefstad, Keren Kroul, Steven Lang, The Loft Literary Center: River Urke and Tami Mohamed Brown, Lunalux, Mary Jane Mansfield, Minneapolis Art Lending Library, Sharol Nau, Erik Pearson, Stuart Pimsler Dance and Theatre, Erin Sayer, Springboard for the Arts & mnartists.org, Textile Center, Jill VanSickle and George Wurtzel.
Musicians are: Dreamland Faces, Howlin Andy Hound and Danny Viper
Friday, Sept. 27, 2013
6:30 8 p.m. Storefront Displays Unveiled, Walking Tours, Live Music
7 p.m. Remarks and Welcome
All photo/media opportunities are on Block E on Hennepin Avenue
between 6th and 7th Streets
Advance notice requested for best access, please contact Karen Nelson at 612.455.9526 or karen.nelson@hennepintheatretrust.org.