Introducing The Renaissance Global Day of Discovery
Introducing The Renaissance Global Day of Discovery at The Depot Renaissance Minneapolis Hotel
Renaissance Hotels mission is to help guests Live Life to Discover.
To bring focus and attention to what we already do every day,
Renaissance Hotels is making the Global Day of Discovery an annual event
A day the consumer, guests and our partners look forward to every year.
Here at The Depot Renaissance Minneapolis Hotel in partnering with vendors and local artists we have put together what is sure to be a Day of Discovery.
We will kick of the day with a pop up art show here in the lobbywith complimentary Charles Krug wines and cheese, followed by a local beer tasting as well as some culinary delights, and who could forget the winners of R Life Idolthey will be debut after winning the first annual R Life Idol.
The Line Up:
Local Artist: Craig Bell has developed over the years a unique form of artistic expression, often depicting nocturnal
images of the urban landscape. A fanciful mix of reality, fantasy and myth.
Local Brewery: The Lift Bridge is the newest beer in Minnesota. Crafting quality brews in small batches to help you slow down
and enjoy life.
Local Band and R Life Live Idol Winners: The Dang OlTriole is an eight member bluegrass loving', moonshine drinkin' herd
of musicians.