Sept. 12, 2019 (MINNEAPOLIS) The City of Minneapolis is hosting a Welcoming Week celebration Friday, Sept. 20 at Powderhorn Park in collaboration with Wellstone International High School and Community Action Partnership of Hennepin County.
Welcoming Week is a national celebration focused on creating meaningful opportunities for community members, whether immigrant, refugee or native-born, to come together, learn from one another and demonstrate that we are stronger when we are a welcoming community.
This year’s event will feature live performances by several artists, soccer and free food from Southeast Asian, Latin and East African vendors. There were also be several organizations in attendance, including the Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota, The Advocates for Human Rights and the Volunteer Lawyers Network, among others. Many City departments will also be represented, including the Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs.
Artists include traditional dancers from the Somali Museum of Minnesota, Wellstone International High School, Mi Perú Minnesota, Grupo de Danzas Colombianas and interactive salsa with Rene Thompson. Noche de Gala Productions with DJ Angel Maldonado will be providing music throughout the event.
As part of Latino Heritage Month, the event will also feature La Hora Latina from 4:30-5:30 p.m. featuring music and dance from many Latino cultures.
The City of Minneapolis is a proud member of Welcoming America’s network, a symbol of its commitment toward immigrants, refugees and all residents. In 2018, there were more than 2,000 Welcoming Week events across the country.
Welcoming Week celebration
2-6:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 20
Powderhorn Park, 3400 15th Ave. S.
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